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Yesterday would have been Princess Diana’s 50th birthday. Regarded as the people’s princess, she was a role model, activist, and a style icon. From her wedding gown to her little black dresses, her style continues to inspire fashionistas today. Here’s a beautiful collection of sets honoring Princess Diana
As most of you know, bridal season is around the corner, and you may be asking yourself, what to get the bride to be. Whether it is a bridal shower, bachelorette party, or the actual wedding, we thought we would give you a few options for some beautiful and unique ideas that the bride will [...]
All of us here at Juel Park want to do whatever we can to cater to our customer’s needs. If you could please spare us a few moments of your valuable time to help us find ways to better serve you, we would be more than grateful! Please follow the link below to take our [...]
Underwear as outerwear is one of spring’s biggest trends – fear not, we’re not asking you to bare all - think of it as more of a seductive layering affair. Marc Jacobs layered a baby blue silky bra over a blushed dusty pink blouse, note: the shape of the bra (Fifties) and these soft hues (pastels) hint [...]
Backless bras are such a wonderful and unique invention. There are so many women that need this specialty bra style every now and then. They are not usually the most comfortable types of bras to wear but with the right guidance and right amount of research a woman can find a functional and comfortable option [...]